DUBLIN, Ohio -- Approximately one in every 700 babies in the United States is born with Down syndrome. Funding research is crucial to investigating conditions that affect individuals with Down syndrome and developing interventions that significantly improve their quality of life. As a father to a son living with Down syndrome, and leader...
Statement by DownSyndrome Achieves CEO, Lito Ramirez, on the Launch of DSA Biobank Operations at Lee Specialty Clinic
In December 2015, DownSyndrome Achieves launched an effort to develop a centralized and dedicated biobank for Down syndrome research that would serve as an open resource seeking to conduct studies that improve the health and well-being of individuals with Down syndrome and others. That's why I'm so pleased to announce...
DownSyndrome Achieves CEO, Lito Ramirez, Joins National Campaign Urging Continued Funding for Research Innovation
https://youtu.be/7v-j8tX9Tyk Lito Ramirez: Sacrificing even one future medicine is unacceptable DownSyndrome Achieves, CEO, Lito Ramirez, recently appeared in a national television ad campaign called "Voters for Cures" which urges balancing the need for affordable drugs and the need for research innovations.