
In December 2015, DownSyndrome Achieves launched an effort to develop a national, dedicated biobank for Down syndrome. The DSA Biobank, located at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center, serves as a national central repository for biospecimens donated by individuals with DS and their immediate families.

Such high-quality, well-annotated biospecimens are in very high demand for research but extremely limited in availability. This lack of biospecimens and annotated data has hobbled the pace of scientific discovery in Down syndrome research in the U.S. and globally. 

The DSA Biobank is a powerful resource for biomedical researchers to elevate the standard of care for health conditions that co-occur with Down syndrome, and facilitate the discovery of new therapeutics and diagnostics that will ultimately improve the health and well-being of people with DS and others.

Leadership Team

Pic of DSA CEO Lito Ramirez

Lito Ramirez

CEO, DownSyndrome Achieves

Michael W. Pauciulo, MBA

Assistant Professor of Human Genetics Director, Discover Together Biobank Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

William C. Nichols, PhD

Professor of Human Genetics Associate Director of Research Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center

Nicole White

Biobank Coordinator

One day 
we'll unlock the secrets of Down syndrome.
we'll develop breakthrough therapies.
starts today!

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