
In December 2015, DownSyndrome Achieves launched an effort to develop a national, dedicated biobank for Down syndrome. The DSA Biobank, located at Cincinnati Children’s Hospital Medical Center (CCHMC), is an open resource that serves as a central repository for biospecimens donated by individuals with DS and their immediate families.

The unique physiological and genetic traits of Down syndrome have garnered momentum and traction toward a better understanding of DS and co-occurring conditions. To improve clinical care and health outcomes for individuals with DS and others, there is a critical need for high-quality, well-annotated biospecimens that aid in driving basic, translational, and clinical research.

Below is a list of Frequently Asked Questions to help you as you plan your research study needs. If you have any questions on how DSA Biobank can help support your study, please email us at dsabiobank@downsyndrome-achieves.websitepro.hosting.

Frequently Asked Questions

DSA Biobank is able to collect a wide array of biospecimen including blood and blood byproducts, saliva, cheek swabs, and tears, among others. Our team will work with collaborators to secure the specimen specific to your research needs.

We are currently supporting several funded studies with plasma, serum, DNA, RNA, saliva, and tears.

All samples collected and stored at DSA Biobank are broadly consented by each patient; ascent is also obtained, when applicable. Our samples are available to any researcher seeking to improve the health and well-being of people with Down syndrome through research initiatives consistent with our research philosophy and ethical standards.

DSA Biobank does not, under any circumstance, any research that seeks to inhibit or prevent the conception or birth of people with Down syndrome.

Absolutely. We believe collaboration and collegiality are critical to advancing our understanding of Down syndrome in a meaningful way.

Email us at dsabiobank@downsyndrome-achieves.websitepro.hosting to learn more about our full slate of services, and how we can help support your sample collection needs, healthcare questions, or unique processing methods.

Email us at dsabiobank@downsyndrome-achieves.websitepro.hosting, and our biobank coordinator will contact you to schedule a call or video conference to discus your research study needs in more detail. 

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