Biobanking: What It Is & Why You Should Care

Biobanks continue to evolve over time.What started out as simple biological and environmental repositories for various sample collections continues to expand into large infrastructure collection points for studying cancer, diseases, and human conditions like Down syndrome.At DownSyndrome Achieves, we continue to advocate for Down syndrome research. We created the DSA...

Breaking Barriers: Improving Healthcare Experiences for People with Down Syndrome

by: Angela McPhillips, DNP RN People with Down syndrome (DS) face unique challenges in healthcare settings. Sometimes the healthcare team skillfully meets these challenges. Other times, the experience is frustrating for the person with Down syndrome, their caregiver, and healthcare providers. What are some common challenges in healthcare settings that people...

DownSyndrome Achieves Completes Delivery of Biosamples for Study Investigating Prevalence of Eye Disease in People with DS

DownSyndrome Achieves is pleased to announce it has completed the delivery of 100 blood plasma and serum samples for an NIH-funded R21 study on keratoconus dystrophy (KD) and Down syndrome at the University of North Texas Health Science Center at Fort Worth.Keratoconus dystrophy is a corneal disease that affects more...

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